Greenways "Salt Road"
Askania Nova ATC

Askania-Nova - a curious combination of the natural and man-made, the result of many years of hard work, the will, and the creativity of people.

На безкрайніх просторах півдня України, в межиріччі Дніпра та Молочної розташований Біосферний заповідник “Асканія-Нова” ім. Ф.Е. Фальц-Фейна − найстаріший заповідний комплекс України! На території Біосферного заповідника створена і постійно розширюється мережа екскурсійних маршрутів, які щороку відвідує більше 100 тисяч туристів. Тільки в Асканії-Нова можна побачити первозданний степ, табуни диких тварин, незчисленні зграї птахів; вдихнути повітря, напоєне неповторним ароматом степових трав, прогулятися тінистими алеями парку, торкнутися древньої історії Таврії. Тут, у серці степової Таврії, ви можете відпочити і збагатити свої знання про природу; це незвичайний і прекрасний куточок, де у злагоді живуть тварини з різних континентів.

To get acquainted with all the routes of the reserve, you should visit Askania Nova for a few days.

The Askaniya-Nova Biosphere Reserve offers a variety of excursions:

"Pearl in the Steppe"

Маршрут проходить по території старого дендропарку, закладеного ще у 1887-1892 роках. Екскурсанти знайомляться з історією закладки парку, архітектурним комплексом, колекцією деревних рослин – представників різних географічних районів земної кулі. Далі маршрут проходить по зоопарку: через орнітосекцію, де у паркових зарослях розташовані вольєри з птахами різних видів, секцію плоскогрудих птахів, та секцію копитних тварин.

The route covers the part of the park that was created back in 1887-1892. Tourists can get acquainted with the history of creating the park, an architectural complex that imitates a medieval castle and a collection of trees and plants representing different geographical regions of the globe.

The excursion route is laid out so that the tourists in the shortest time can see the most interesting corners of the park: the alley of pyramidal oaks that are lined along the Chumak Way, the Great Steppe lawn with a group of Crimean pines, covered with an emerald carpet of the lawn. In the center of the old park is a picturesque pool with a small island and lilies on a water mirror. It also attracts attention to the grotto and lawn with the northern beauty of fir trees. Then the route runs through the zoo: through the ornithosection, where there are enclosures of various species of birds in the park gardens, a Paleognaths section featuring an African ostrich, Australian emu and American rhea, and a section of ungulates that hold wild horses, zebra, bulls, antelopes, deer, goats and mutton.

In the zoo, you will meet beasts and birds from all over the world: from Africa and Australia, North and South America, from Central Asia and the Far East, even from the Arctic. The collection of the zoo is represented by 40 species of mammals, 3 species of Paleognaths and 71 species of Neognathae birds.
Birds are kept in the park gardens and in reservoirs.

The shores of the islands and the entire surface of the reservoirs are covered with numerous species of geese and ducks.

Streams and lawns in the enclosures are also littered with birds: Barnacle geese and Nile geese watch the dance of crowned cranes. Proudly standing are flamingos, cranes, peacocks, and pheasants showing their beauty, parrots arguing about something, bustling chickens: white-haired, downy, Bentamak. In the cages for predatory birds - the Cinereous vulture, the steppe eagle, and the owl.

The section of Paleognaths is represented by an African ostrich, an Australian emu and an American rhea.

In the cages of the section of the ungulates, there are buffalo, haricot, zebras, Przheval'skii horses, rams, goats, camels, deer, donkeys, saiga, nilgau, long-winded vutussi, whipping heads.

Accompanied by a tour guide, the following excursions are available:

Excursion "In the Forest Fairy Tale"

The route passes through the territory of the new arboretum, tourists admire man-made landscapes, stone statues, left by the Polovtsians; from the mound the panorama of the protected steppe opens. Part of the route coincides with the Chumak Way, which was held here in ancient times. On the territory of the arboretum it resembles the alley of pyramidal oaks. Here we also examine the restored wellbore, near which, after a difficult road, Chumaks rested.

The excursion begins around the architectural complex in the Neo-Gothic style, imitating a medieval castle. Tourists will get acquainted with the history of the creation of an irrigated park in a dry arid steppe.

The route is laid out among man-made landscapes, showing the results of scientific work on preservation, restoration and development of parkings, introduction of wood and flower-decorative plantations.

On a small lawn on the left is a unique sculpture of a warrior, established in the 12th century. Later, another work depicts a stage of heavenly hunting: A celestial shooter, killing a solar beast, frees the sun, allowing its birth.

Then the route coincides with the Chumak Way, which was here in ancient times. The Chumak fishery was most prosperous in the 12th-14th centuries. It significantly influenced the economic development of the Taurida region.

The Chumak Way on the territory of the park is marked by an alley of pyramidal oaks.

Next stop is the mound. From its height there is a view of the panorama of the virgin steppe. This is the "Old" site, bequeathed by Friedrich Edwardovich Falz-Fein - the oldest in the pastoral steppe territory. It contains almost all the characteristic types of vegetation and soils. The flora and fauna have been studied since 1902.

На вершині рукотворного кургану – пам’ятка половецької культури, кам’яна скульптура. Кам’яні половецькі статуї – залишки вірувань та обрядів, пов’язаних з культом предків. Асканійська колекція створена Ф.Е. Фальц-Фейном і складається з 17 скульптур.

Having admired the steppe spaces, we go further. On the right is a protective strip of Crimean pine and woodpecker. Along with a collection of oaks, a rare elderberry red, near a distribution well, a plot of Virgin juniper, Koster spruce, through the grotto go out into open space. In front of us is the panorama of the Great Steppe Glade, created in 1908-1913. Here, on the plot of a protected steppe with an area of ​​almost 7 hectares, immediately beyond the boundary of the old park, are pine Crimean and juniper Virgin to create the impression of a gradual transition from the forest to the steppe planted groups and individual trees relative to drought-resistant rocks.

Then the route passes through the territory of the old park. Main stops: a picturesque pond with a grotto and a mysterious island, a silver and parterre lawn.

The old park is an example of open planning. It is characterized by the alternation of landscapes of forest and park types, open and closed spaces, picturesque lawns, woodlands, groups and individual trees and shrubs. The park is striking with the cleanliness and completeness of its planning.

Excursion "In the World of Animals"

The "In the World of Animals" route passes through the the zoo, past the outer reservoirs. Beasts and birds from all over the world are represented here in their parks and ponds. From the specially equipped playground (Snake Hill) we examine the steppe area "Great Chapel Hill", where in the semi-free conditions contain American bison, saiga, European lion, Przewalski horses, Turkmen kulans, noble and spotted deer, muflons. In the summer, they are joined by vutuss, zebras, antelopes kanna, gnus, nilgau and gaialy. In the autumn there are many thousands of ducks, cranes, geese and other birds flying to the south of the Pontus Migration Corridor (modern Azov-Black Sea).

Заповідна степова ділянка «Великий Чапельський під» – це “Територія важлива для збереження птахів та їх місць мешкання”, включена до переліку водно-болотних угідь міжнародного значення Рамсарської Конвенції. Великий Чапельський під – унікальна депресія розміром 4 х 6 км, що періодично заповнюється талою водою. Ця орнітологічна територія міжнародного значення Birdlife international входить до Південного (Азово-Чорноморського) екологічного коридору, для якого притаманні потужні міграційні потоки птахів (качок, зграї журавлів, сірих гусей, куликів) весною та восени.

Askania Nova Zoological Park is the center for breeding ungulates and birds, a base for scientific research, excursion and tourism activities.

Excursion "Historic Zoo Locations"

Екскурсія вольєрним комплексом зоопарку, яка знайомить з науковою частиною та історичними місцями, що залишилися з часів перших поселенців – колоністів. За час екскурсії оглядаємо історичні пам’ятки заповідника: водойми, герцогський вал, споруди перших поселенців. Із штучного пагорба відкривається панорама степу і вид на Великий Чапельський під, де напіввільно утримуються табуни диких тварин.

The tour starts from the entrance to the zoo, because it is with him, above all, that the history of the laying of reserved objects of Askania-Nova is connected. From the main entrance, tourists go to the bronze sculpture, which reflects the relationship of the founder of the reserve with the steppe bird, which in the summer at the present time and in protected steppes is rare, but more common in the winter. It is the work of sculptor Tugarinov and was installed in 2009.

Під кроною горіха чорного – оповитий таємничими легендами фонтан «Серафима».  Далі маршрут йде орнітопарком, де відвідувачів радо зустрічають численні павичі, вражають своєю витонченістю рожеві фламінго.
Along the collection of Fazanovs, past the avenues with crowned and steppe cranes, exotic goose-goers go out to the zoo's external rates.

Here there is an abundance of waterbirds that nest on the islands and make raids on green crops that cover the shores. To the left of the ponds, in the array of tree plantations, silence is torn out by singing blackbirds, greenfinches and nightingales. Later they will be freed. The route follows a bitter with the sculpture of the Polovtsian era - a stone bast, which in May is framed by the strands of hair grass.

Following along the banks of the ponds, the tourists go to the Round Pond, which since F. Faltz-Fein is intended to regulate the flow of water to the center of the Great Chapel. This pond plays the role of collecting excessive water. In a wet year, water is not sent from the ponds of the zoo to the Great Chapel's pond and sent here to evaporate. When there is not much water, it usually goes through a system of canals to the ungulates.

The shallow-water mirror of this pond has become an attractive place for different types of eels, including rare ones, such as black-winged stilts and pied apocets. Here you can see the pallas's gull, the spoonbill, and the pranticole. Usually there are several pairs of shelducks, which are rich in Askania Nova, and this kind of all the tour will meet on the route. This is an example of how a rare species, thanks to the efforts of Askanian scientists, has become common here and in the fall its number can reach a record number of over 8,000.

During the excursion you can see the original bright houses. This is an apiary of wild bees, with whom you can get acquainted, if they will be flying at this time. The route goes to the Lysychka Hill, which was also created by the founder, when the zoo's external basins were built from 1887 to 1902.

From the slide opens three panoramas: on external fields, on the remnants of the old Askania Nova with the school of 1828, the construction, as well as the detachments of the Great Chapel Pike with the herd of ungulates. Near the hill, there are gray Ukrainian cattle that live with the Asian buffalo, Przheval'skii horses, blue antelopes, nilgau, ponies, donkeys. It is difficult to see with the naked eye, and therefore it is desirable to have binoculars for observation.

The next stop is the Snake Hill, which is the observation point on the Ramsar Territory, that is the Great Chapel, and is at the same time an extremely important point during the migration of birds.

Наявність копитних тварин і їх постійний вплив на травостій загонів, сприяє тому, що під не заростає високою рослинністю, чим приваблюються численні зграї птахів, які нараховують десятки тисяч особин. Восени на площі в 23 квадратних кілометри серед стад копитних пасуться сірі журавлі, казарки, гуси білолобі, огари, гуляють чепури білі, а на стовпах чатують їх «пастухи» – орлани білохвости, беркути та інші хижаки, які не проти спіймати когось із перестарків, недосвідчену чи ослаблену молодь. Весною через цю територію пролітають десятки тисяч сірих журавлів. А влітку можна насолоджуватись співом просянок, степового та польового жайворонків, боєм перепелу, який може перерватись іржанням коней Пржевальського, бульканням зебри Чапмана чи затяжним завиванням індокитайського гаяла. Гірка має назву із-за залягання тут на зиму полозів сарматських, степової гадюки та мідянки. Вони всі тепер у Червоній книзі України, але зустріч з ними не виключена. Маршрут, після перепочинку на Зміїній гірці слідує далі на внутрішні ставки зоопарку, мимо літньої кормової площадки, де птахи, котрі не вилітають за межі зоопарку, можуть двічі на день отримати підкормку. А далі виходимо на традиційний маршрут зоопарку, який через Старий орнітопарк приведе до секції Безкілевих птахів та Парнокопитих.


The route "Retrophotosafari" passes through an enclosed complex formed by the founder of the reserve F. E. Falts-Fein and adjoins the territory of the Great Chapel. Here roam the European hound, Przhevalsky horses, Turkmen kulans, noble and spotted deer, muflons. In the summer, they are joined by vutuss, zebras, antelopes kanna, gnus, nilgau and gayals. In the autumn there are many thousands of ducks, cranes, geese and other birds flying to the south of the Pontus Migration Corridor (modern Azov-Black Sea).

The tour by car lasts for 2 hours and passes part of the enclosed complex with demonstration of groups of animals; It offers a panoramic view of the protected area of ​​Great Chapel. Tourists get acquainted with the wild animals over their 2320 hectares. The whole area around the perimeter is enclosed with a fence made of metal mesh and divided into different squares. In the pasture season animals are placed depending on the grass and compatibility. In winter, inhabitants of the tropical latitudes (zebras, antelopes, gaials, tatusis, Kafrskim buffalos) are taken into the premises (antilopniki). Only those animals that are well adapted to the cold climate are left on the territory: saiga, buffalo, noble and spotted deer, kulans, Przheval'skogo horses.

We begin with the first area, fenced for the acclimatization of exotic species of herbivores by F. E. Falts-Fein. The plot is located on the edge of the Great Chapel River. It contains zebras, cannon antelope, nilgau, European lynx, muflons, ponies and donkeys. The latter are happy to communicate with the tourists.

On the artificial rocks are representatives of the falconiformes.

To the north is the first area - the aviaries, which hold African ostriches, South American rheas and Australian emus. These are non-flying birds. They have a relatively small size of the chest and a complete lack of keel.

Then the route passes through unit number 2 with gayals - people from distant India. Together with the gayals, the representative of the African fauna - long-haired cat Tutai. The gray bulls of Ukrainian cattle move gravely.

Area number 3 is next. There are kept males of Przewalski horses, saiga and others.

The next stop is at Area number 4, where zebras, antelopes, and Przheval'skii horses live. The territory of the area is crossed by the canal, through which water flows into the reservoir, which is at the lowest point of the Great Chapel.

In autumn, in the center of the pond there are a large number of migratory birds: different types of ducks, thousands of packs of cranes, gray goose, waders.
From the observation deck, area number 7 with an area of ​​1.5 thousand hectares is visible, where throughout the year inhabit bison, saiga, European lion, Przhevalsky horses, noble and spotted deer, and Turkmen kulans.

Through the North Gate we enter the territory of the new park. The most valuable species of trees here are planted in small arrays, groups or separately. Such are artifacts of larch, beech forest, Canadian fir, oak boreal or red, Georgian and large-peoples. Stop and look at the collection of cypresses. Here are colloidal, bullet-shaped, filamentous forms of thuja, western, cypress, juniper. Then on a small interval they change each other tulip tree or lilyodendron tulip, edible chestnut, purple forest beech, birch, hydrangea wooded, Karelian birch.

From the artificial hill with the Polovtsian woman on the top, a panorama of the protected steppe opens. The virgin steppe is the largest treasure of the biosphere reserve. The only protected area in Europe that has never been touched by a plow. Only here you will see the steppe as it was for centuries - during the time of the Scythians and Sarmatians, at the time of Ivan Cirko in Crimea. Nothing has changed for hundreds of years - as beautiful blossom of a feather giant as vigorously winds the steppe amazing light waves from its magnificent horses. The flora of higher autochthonous plants has more than 520 species. 14 species of higher plants have been listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (Endangered List): Karagan Scythian, starling plant of the chestnut, Ukrainian feather grass, Lessing and hairy, Azov, tulip Shrenka and Scythian, Volia Talieva, onions of Regel and Scythian, rabbit chess, Zakulinets rare-flowered, two-rowed Cretaceous. Six kinds of floral Askanian autochthonous flora are listed on the international red list.

Contact | Askania Nova ATC

Head: Svintsitsky Vitaliy Kazemyrovych

Phone: (05538) 6-12-33


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